Monday, December 8, 2008

This time of year is so busy!!!

We have been so busy lately that I have not had time to get pictures from the camera to the computer, much less post any! So, I thought I would spend my lunch and catch up a bit.

This is the girls along with Len, Lisa, Kyle and Tom playing in the leaves

This is one of my favorite pics of her alltime!!! Such a cute smile....just melts me!

Tessa in the leaves. She is still a little young to enjoy it really, but she is happy nontheless. She is happy most of the time!

Avery after eating Birthday cake at Aunt Lisa's house. She threw the birthday party for Tessa, so that everyone wouldn't have to drive to our side of the state. Thanks Lisa, it was a huge help!

Quentin thought that Avery's sunglasses were very cool!!!

Tessa is ready for more presents. She loves to be the center of attention at this age!!! Claps until she gets you to do the same!

My girls wrestling on the couch. Wrestling is a favorite past time of ours. Almost every night before bed, we are spending a half hour or more on throwing them around, and tickling them. They love it!

She absolutely loved these swimming goggles, no idea where they came from, but they were good for some laughs!

Tessa was shy at Lisa's for a bit, as she had fallen asleep in the truck on the way over there.

You want some??? You will have to fight her for it, watch out though...those teeth leave marks. I speak from experience.

You think she likes birthday cake??? you bet she does. Eats it all up. Not a huge fan of ice cream though, must be too cold. She had a great time at all her birthday parties.

The girls in the bathtub one night after spaghetti for dinner. They absolutely love spaghetti, but I have to cook it on bath nights, as we only give them baths every other night in the winter. They get dry skin in the winter, and since they don't go outside and get dirty like in the summer, no need for a bath EVERY night!!

this was the "crew" at the wedding reception on Halloween. Matt ( second from right in top row, next to me) got married on Halloween and had a pirate theme. The only one who didn't dress like a pirate was Bruce, pictured here as Magnum PI!! It was a good time, and was nice to have some adult time, while the kids played with Gma and Papa. Thanks Mom and Dad!!

Me and Ab on the bus to the reception. Of course I was a pirate (I was the best man) and Abby was a flapper.
Avery carving a pumpkin. She thought that it was gooeey and yucky. Didn't finish it and Dad had to help out and get it carved for her...

Christmas is next I guess!!! I am sure we will have much more to be thankful for in the coming weeks, and more pics to update with.

Happy Holidays!

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