Friday, September 12, 2008

Daddy's day at the park with his girls!!

Yesterday was Daddy and the girls go to the park day! Abby (my wife) had to work late, as she does every Tuesday and Thursday. I cut out of work early and decided to pick the girls up an hour early and take them to the park for some "daddy time" before we went home and started the everyday nighttime routine. We had a blast and the girls were tired out by the time we got home. (Avery was a little more tired than she should have been, but that is another subject altogether.) As you can see from the pictures I managed to squeeze in, we had a riot. They are hard to capture at this age. They never sit still for enough time for the camera to focus!!

The one picture I was able to grab of both of them on the slide/tube/slide.

I am glad she is photogenic like her mom!!! She gets most things she wants from daddy with that smile!

Tessa and Avery swinging together. Tessa was really getting into it and would whine when I took her out of that swing...looks like it is a swingset next summer!!

Here is Tessa showing off her exploring abilities. She would just go back and forth over and over. Just enough to stay out of my reach!! She wanted to go down the slide. That will have to wait til next summer!

There is that smile again!! It just melts me!!

If that isn't a devious look, I don't know what is.

Enjoying dinner tonight. This was the first attempt with the dreaded meat sticks in a jar. Avery hated them when she was that age. Tessa ate them right up....loved 'em!!

This one is getting saved until her high school graduation!!!! I wonder where she got her silliness from????? Anyone......anyone....???? I am sure Lisa knows what I am talking about!!!

Great "middle of the week fun" . Now on to the weekend, who knows what goofy stuff will happen in the next two days!!


G-Ma Mary said...

What great action shots! I wonder who Avery gets her sense of humor from? I love the goofy picture of her. Hugs and Kisses!

Lisa said...

Silly Girl Avery!
Looks like a fun day at the park!
Love to all of you!